Eight Years at The New School

p1362380810-5Dear New School Friends,

Often I write to you about things that interest me — like my last post on whether beauty will save the world. I rarely write to you about New School conversations. But let’s look at seven recent TNS conversations:

  • Actor and Zen teacher Peter Coyote talking with Steve Heilig about his new memoir The Rainman’s Third Cure
  • Food writer Michael Pollan talking about his new research into the healing properties of psychedlics for the dying
  • Poet Jane Hirschfield talking with Eric Karpeles about her new collections of poetry and prose
  • Physician Rachel Naomi Remen talking about the discovery model learning
  • Philosopher Jacob Needleman’s spiritual biopgraphy, of time and the soul
  • Astrologer Caroline Casey’s equinoctial eclipse persian new year comedic eclipse of Mars and Venus tour
  • And film-maker Walter’s Murch’s astonishing rediscovery of Bode’s Law — how new evidence confirms and 18th century conjecture on orbital harmonies.

Eight years ago, The New School started with conversations in front of a dozen friends. With time, the audiences grew. Now it is not uncommon for the Commonweal Gallery to be packed with 200 or more TNS friends. Many have driven for hours to join us. Some have flown in from up and down the West Coast.

It isn’t just those who come in person. Thousands of TNS friends listen–across the country and around the world.

Our real education doesn’t start until we are out of school. Our real education starts when we are free to read what draws us, listen to what moves us, and watch what changes us. Our real education does not give us a credential or grades or require tests or term papers. Our real education is the exploration of the inner and outer worlds.

You can surf 300 television channels without finding a single thing worth watching. Come to The New School, or watch our videos or listen to our podcasts — it is rare not to find something of value.

Somehow, The New School has created a sense of community among a Bay Area circle of friends who come to our events in person, as well as a global community of people who have discovered us.

Most New School events are free. We ask only that you contribute what you can — so we can continue.

In forty years of work at Commonweal, The New School has brought me more joy than anything else. Joy nourishes us, and gives us sustenance for the great work to which we are all dedicated.

Thank you for being part of The New School,


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