Dear TNS Friends:
We authentically need your help. For many years we have managed our modest TNS budget with the support of a few core funders and generous small contributions from many of you. Over the past few years, our wonderful core funders (deep gratitude to them!) have moved on to other interests, and the small contributions thus far aren’t filling the gap.
So we either need a few more core funders to show up–or we need an army of small contributors to keep TNS afloat–or some combination of the two.
We fully intend to stay afloat. But you need to know our situation.
The way Commonweal works is that every program needs to find its own support, or cut back, or close down. That is how we have sustained Commonweal for 44 years.
So I am calling out to each of you–what does The New School mean in your life? Does this center for the love of learning matter to you? Do the videos and podcasts enrich your life in real and powerful ways? Do you come to the TNS sessions at Commonweal?
When the world is manifestly coming apart, is it good to enter a place where the life of the mind and the meditations of the heart matter?
Here are three ways you can make a difference:
First, become one of the army of small donors we need by putting a monthly contribution to TNS on your credit card here. Twenty dollars a month isn’t a lot but it makes a world of difference to us. These small contributions are the lifeblood of our work.
Second, if you’ve got stuff that has value and you no longer need–or want to put this sleeping capital to work–let us know! Someone gave us a car last week! We love creative gifts. A car, a boat, a house, some land, antiques of real value–you can make a world of difference.
Third, if you can become a significant donor with a cash contribution, appreciated equities, or a plan to include The New School in your estate planning, let us know. Help ensure our work at TNS for the next decade and beyond. We will be forever grateful.
To make legacy or other gifts, please contact Oren Slozberg, our executive director, by email or phone (415-868-0970).
We don’t exactly besiege you with funding requests. But I looked at the budget yesterday and–guess what–we have a $75,000 deficit for next year. That will never do. So I thought I would ask those of you for whom TNS matters to lend a hand.
Please put down your coffee and join our army of small contributors–or let us know what else you would like to do!
With love and gratitude,